This program is for women over 35 who want to:

  • Be empowered to make healthier food choices that nourish and nurture their bodies

  • Feel powerful and in control of their eating for the very first time

  • Enjoy a variety of foods without guilt or frustration

  • Be healthier, look better and feel more energetic

  • Enjoy the freedom of pain-free movement

There's no better time than NOW to start living your best life!

Enjoy Mental Clarity and Weight Loss Without Dieting, Pills or Shakes

The key to a healthy, happy life is understanding what your body REALLY needs.

You deserve to feel your best! Learn more about how simple changes can lead to a lifetime of wellness in the Ditching Sugar Mini-Course.

Sugar cravings will be a thing of the past once you discover these secrets!

    1. Congratulations and Welcome

    1. Welcome

    1. My Health Success Story

    2. Introduction

    1. How The Body Processes Sugar

    2. Sugar And Health

    1. Overcoming Sugar Cravings

    1. Why Ditching Sugar In The Past Has Been So Challenging

Course Details:

  • $27.00
  • 14 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content
  • Recipe eBook
  • Cheatsheets
  • Resources

If Not Now Then When?

When is the 'right' time for you to focus on your health?


  • I'm so confused, I don't know what foods are sugar-free and don't know where to start. Will this program help me get started ?

    Yes! This program will teach you everything you need to know to get started on a sugar-free way of eating. It includes a list of foods that are sugar-free and there's even a recipe eBook included!

  • I've tried to give up sugar before but I struggle with sugar cravings. Why is this program different?

    This program gives you real-world examples, tips and easy-to-implement strategies, that have been proven to work, that you can use to confidently work through your sugar cravings.

  • I don't want to go on another diet! Is this just another diet and meal plan?

    No this isn't a diet or a meal plan! This mini-course is designed to arm you with knowledge. And with knowledge comes power. Power to make informed food choices and a change of thinking. When you focus on eating foods that make you FEEL good rather than focusing on a certain diet you put yourself at a higher rate of long-term health success.

Meet Kim Caruk the Sugar-Free Health Coach

Kim Caruk

Sugar-Free Health Coach

Hi, I'm Kim! I'm known as the Sugar-Free Health Coach, I'm so grateful to have the opportunity to do what I love for work. I run my own business as a recipe developer & food photographer; as well as working with women all around the world as a health coach helping them to break free from sugar cravings so that they can live an energy-filled life.


“You know your stuff. I enjoyed it. What I mostly got out of it was that it doesn’t have to be scary, you can do it your way and you’re there if people want or need help!”

Sally R - Gippsland, Victoria

“Hey Kim just wanted to say amazing job with the mini-course, a lot of the information you shared really resonated with me and it was a very valuable session. AMAZING WORK 🎉🎉”

Olivia A, Melbourne

“Kim - this is incredible! I recently read the glucose revolution - highly recommend and this aligns so well with this!! Thank you so so much for sharing”

Julie F - Cape Town

“Well, Kim’s recipes are a hit in my house 😍😍😍 What an awesome gift!!!!!!!🤗👏🏻💛 ”

Alma B - Maryland, USA

“Wowowow this is SO helpful! Thank you!! I’ve been cutting out sugar, legumes and grains to reduce inflammation that cause migraines, and this is one of the best resources I’ve found! Thank you!”

Lindsay J - USA

P.S If you're like me you probably head right to the bottom!

I'm basically offering an awesome mini-course for a one-time investment of only $27 AUD. This mini-course is filled with secrets to ditching sugar that I used that changed both my health and the health of my family. Won't you join me?

Add your email and join my newsletter to receive sugar-free recipes, meal inspiration and much more.

Thank You